1 March 2025

Oven-ready Brexit

Are we there yet? 

Er... yes, the Tories thought the best thing to do was to put Northern Ireland in to both the EU Single Market and the Eu Customs Union. 

Otherwise, it will be a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic Of Ireland. 

Bad Friday agreement 

See above.....

Red tape, more not less 

The government are no nearer to achieving their target to hire 50,000 customs border agents. Assuming these new customs border agents are paid only £26,000 per year (which you can't live on these days!) then this will cost … wait for it! £18 billion per year, or approximately £350 million per week. 

Source: ONS

Where have I seen that before?  Never mind. I'm sure it will come back to me.

Magic Bus 

Never believe what you see written on a bus. Where's the £350 million? The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting to take it away....

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