I'm surprised that this still persists. There are still people who believe we never set foot on the Moon. There are a number of things that baffle me, if what the conspiracy theorists say, is true. The alternate events posed by the conspiracy theorists would require a level of secrecy which would be extremely difficult to maintain.
The radio signals that were used to communicate were in the high VHF/low UHF band. Analogue, this was years before digital and so perfectly accessible to all of the best equipped amateur radio operators all over the world, except those of course on the wrong side of the planet. What would be in it for the amateur radio operators to be quiet about the alleged hoax?
Surely, at the height of the Cold War, it must've crossed the minds of the Soviet government in Moscow to check where the signal was really coming from? If an HF radio signal, allegedly coming from the Moon, wasn't coming from the Moon, even a high school student with suitable radio rig would soon know that the signal wasn't coming from the Moon?
That being said, the Conspiracy Theorists are doing science a service. After all, ever since I heard about their claims, I've been checking and re-checking what I believe in. And that's got to be a good thing.